Learning Environment

At Lowell, we believe inquiry begins with a provocation to know more. Teachers actively engage students in the process of inquiry, providing children with rich, stimulating materials and opportunities that are both thoughtfully planned and delightfully spontaneous.


We know that young children need a caring environment with a lot of structure. Creating that environment includes a daily schedule with a simple but clearly articulated sequence of activities that help children adjust to school routines. It also includes introducing children to materials and spaces within the classrooom or playground in a systematic and understandable way so that they can develop independence and ownership of their learning.


Each Pre-Primary classroom is ready for discovery—manipulatives, books, and other materials for dramatic play, art, block play, and writing are easily accessible to children. Mirrors and examples of children’s artwork hung at their eye level help provide an affirming space for learning and self-discovery. The classrooms differ based on the age of the students, and teachers add to the classrooms during the year as the children’s work evolves.

In addition, there are designated classrooms for art, physical education and dance, library activities, and STEAM investigations.


Kalmia Creek and over eight acres of land, including a terraced playground and open air classroom, provide a rich outdoor learning environment and a natural extension to indoor spaces. The Pre-Primary-only playground has been carefully designed to give children opportunities to be active or quiet—to build, explore, climb, run, and pretend. Ample equipment, a trike path, a playhouse, an obstacle course, a water play area with a hand pump, embankment slides, a gardening area, a bird blind, and sandboxes with pulleys and chutes keep children very busy!
Lowell School is a private PK-8th grade school located in NW Washington, DC. Our mission is to equip children to think critically, engage purposefully, and live authentically.