Welcome From Head of School

Lowell is a place where children are treated as the wise, kind, capable people we hope they will become. This is a place filled with joy and attention to the individual because we know that children learn most effectively when they are happy, and children are happy in school when their academic, social, and emotional needs are met. 
Lowell is a place where children as young as 2 ½ are exposed to a relevant, integrated curriculum. It is rooted in developmentally appropriate practices and designed to encourage questions. In this place, thinking is valued over just getting the right answer, and trying out various solutions to problems is celebrated because at Lowell we know the research. 

It tells us that the world our children will inherit will require people who can collaborate, recognize when to ask for help, and know how to move forward when they believe they have the answer. It will require practical, creative thinkers who are able to see connections where no one else does.
Lowell is a place where diversity is not just a buzzword, but a way of life grounded in a respect for each other that surpasses age. We are very intentional about creating inclusive experiences in classrooms and throughout our community. We provide a space for children to learn how to hold multiple perspectives at once because what we know for sure is that people must try and understand each other.
From the time they arrive until they leave at the end of 8th grade for high school, Lowell students rise to the expectations of a world that demands that they approach difference with curiosity rather than fear, deeply understand their own identities, and be allies and advocates for social justice no matter what their future path. 
Lowell is a dynamic place where on any given day you might see children observing tadpoles in our stream, curling up with a good book in the library, planning a model town, considering the effects of climate change, chatting with friends in Spanish, choreographing a dance, or heading off to swimming lessons after school.
Lowell is a very special place. I encourage you to explore this website and let our work and vision speak for themselves. Better yet, stop by for a visit!  We can’t wait to meet you.

—Donna Lindner, Head of School
Diversity is not just a buzzword, but a way of life.
Lowell School is a private PK-8th grade school located in NW Washington, DC. Our mission is to equip children to think critically, engage purposefully, and live authentically.