School News


7th Grade MLK Performance

Middle School audience members leapt from their seats feverishly cheering and clapping as 7th graders lined the stage to take a bow after their MLK assembly yesterday during Gathering. This year’s performance brought to life lessons of the Civil Rights Movement and voices of the past while reflecting contemporary challenges that African Americans experience.

Social Studies Teacher Foun Tang organized the MLK assembly as part of the 7th grade human rights curriculum, which explores the historical and sociological impacts of these and other historical events such as the Holocaust. The assembly touched on the bus boycott, the Little Rock Nine, sit-ins, Civil Rights music, the Freedom Riders, the Children’s March, the 16th Street Church bombing, Freedom Summer, Selma, and reflections from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Students presented facts and figures punctuated by original narratives inspired by their research and testimonials of Civil Rights activists as young as 8 years old.

Some 7th graders stretched their abilities in dramatic reading and wrote original speeches revealing their relationship to their newfound knowledge. Others collaborated in writing and performing rap songs that integrated current events and emphasized the need to continue the work of past Civil Rights activists.

Students connected deeply with their emotions while processing the people, places, events, and ideas of the Civil Rights Movement, and these emotions came through in their performances. In developing their pieces, Foun guided students to be introspective. Learning how to walk in another person’s shoes “changes you, makes you own it,” says Foun.

The authenticity of the students’ performances anchored the audience’s attention throughout Gathering. When applause erupted at the end, the students knew they had nailed it.

“It was so inspiring and moving to see the students live with the audience. It was electrifying,” said Foun. As the students cleared the theater, Foun lent words of encouragement to a student overwhelmed with emotion by the duet she sang just minutes earlier, “I’m so, so proud of you. You did it.”
Lowell School is a private PK-8th grade school located in NW Washington, DC. Our mission is to create an inclusive community of lifelong learners in which each individual is valued and respected.