School News


Middle School Elects Student Government Leaders

Middle school students had a tough decision before them yesterday after candidates running for the Student Government Association (SGA) finished their speeches. Candidates promised permanent "Muffin Mondays" and "Pizza Thursdays," as well as unblocked Chromebook time for gaming and a review of the dress code. When the results came in, the field of 10 candidates narrowed to the final four who will serve as Co-Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer and will work with grade-level representatives this year on behalf of the student body.
Co-Presidents: Ava Gorman and Kyriakos Psaromatis
Secretary: Lucy Miller
Treasurer: Bella Calemine

Official campaigning kicked-off last week, as middle schoolers vied for votes from their peers with colorful flyers and catchy phrases. Beyond whimsical designs and promises of limited homework, being a part of the SGA gives students a chance to play a central role in the life of the Middle School. One of their responsibilities is to help build community and student morale: they are the force behind social events and spirit weeks. They also have the opportunity to use their voices to make lasting changes. Last year, members of the SGA worked alongside the Ally Group to supply Middle School bathrooms with feminine hygiene products. Other school-wide changes that they initiated included acquiring new equipment for recess and a revised snow ball policy.

As the members of the SGA work to address students' concerns, they learn valuable lessons and build fundamental leadership skills. SGA members refine their listening skills, learn how to build consensus, and practice effective collaboration. They hone their critical thinking and decision-making skills as they negotiate on behalf of others and learn to work through policies with adults.

Creating change within any institution is no easy task. While simpler initiatives—such as the bake sales and social events—are easily implemented, changes to the homework policy or installing vending machines may take longer to come to fruition. But the benefits of the SGA reach beyond particular initiatives and events and get to the heart of empowering students to articulate their needs, advocate for others, and build community.
Lowell School is a private PK-8th grade school located in NW Washington, DC. Our mission is to create an inclusive community of lifelong learners in which each individual is valued and respected.