School News


8th Grader Raises $1,125 for the Annual Fund

When 8th graders embark on their Project of Discovery, a two-term independent study, they are asked to research a topic and create a project that offers a new perspective, provides a service, or educates others. This year, Juliana combined her love of running with her love of Lowell, and decided to organize a color run to raise money for the 2017-18 Annual Fund.
If you’ve never run in or attended a color run, it is a spectacle to behold. As runners chart their course, onlookers shower them with colored paint in powdered form. It is hard to imagine a more uplifting way to complete a road race.
It provided the perfect incentive to join in Juliana’s multi-age race: “I really enjoy running and wanted kids to also feel the same joy I get from running.” To maximize participation, Juliana organized two races—a 5K for adults and middle schoolers and a fun run for younger children. The children’s race happened first, and when the children were done, they got to squirt color on their parents. A few children and adults had never run a race before, and according to the parent of a recent convert, Lowell will have at least one new recruit for the track team next year!
And that was just part of Juliana’s success. With the help of teachers, staff, parents, and a team of dedicated 8th graders—as well as the enthusiasm of all the runners, including first place winners Paul and Melanie, second place winner Jonathan, and third place winners Isabella and Colleen—Juliana raised a whopping $1,125 for the Annual Fund, getting us that much closer to Lowell’s 500,000 goal.
But the best part? According to Juliana, “Seeing how happy the kids were while they were running!”
Lowell School is a private PK-8th grade school located in NW Washington, DC. Our mission is to create an inclusive community of lifelong learners in which each individual is valued and respected.