School News


5th Grade Moving Forward

During last week’s Moving Forward Ceremony, 5th grade teachers along with Jason Novak, director of primary school, and Head of School Debbie Gibbs honored the 2019-20 5th grade class for their exceptional work this year, their official last year of Primary School. Teachers and administrators alike encouraged the students to remember the lessons they learned as they move next year to the Middle School, and, for some, new schools altogether. Students one by one approached the microphone, ready to share words of wisdom for the lower classes in attendance. Many 5th graders credited their achievements to the support they receive from the strong relationships they cultivated with teachers and their peers. Others shared their inspiration for moving through obstacles reminding the audience there is always a way to achieve your dream, no matter how many times it takes if you just keep trying. Fifth grade teachers closed the ceremony, sharing fond memories and thanking the students for the many lessons they taught in return. The teachers especially appreciated students for the reminders to slow down and enjoy the present moment. It was clear for both teachers, administrators, and students that this year’s 5th graders matured into a thoughtful, and socially conscious group ready to take on the next set of challenges that await.

Lowell School is a private PK-8th grade school located in NW Washington, DC. Our mission is to create an inclusive community of lifelong learners in which each individual is valued and respected.