Event Detail


Main Building - Gymnasium - Gym
6th Grade and Up Attend 6th and 7th Grades Arrival Information (attendance required)The 6th and 7th graders will meet in the Multipurpose Room in Parkside and are to arrive between 8:20–8:30 am.

8th Grade Arrival Information
The 8th graders are to arrive no later than 8:00 am and meet in the Main Building library. A class photo will be taken at 8:20 am.

The exact timing of ceremony is difficult to predict. We expect the ceremony to end at 11:00 am. Pick up for 6th and 7th graders is at 11:00 am on the Front Field. Please arrange for pick-up at that time. A short reception for 8th grade parents and students will follow the ceremony in the Parkside Library.

Graduation Attire: For students participating in graduation: dress pants, skirts, and dresses are all appropriate, as are collared shirts and ties if desired; skirts/dresses should be of a modest length and allow students to sit and move about comfortably. Please no sneakers, shorts, jeans, or dresses with spaghetti straps or without straps.
Lowell's 8th grade graduation marks the end of Middle School. Students in 6th grade and up attend. As part of the ceremony, each graduate gives a speech. This tradition, which began with the first 6th grade graduation, is one of the many ways Lowell honors individuality and student voice.
Lowell School is a private PK-8th grade school located in NW Washington, DC. Our mission is to create an inclusive community of lifelong learners in which each individual is valued and respected.